Axis Definition – Accounts should be included in row definition and the period/ actuality in the column definition. Axis定义&行定义中应包含账户,列定义中应包含期间/现状。
In enterprise development circles, during one period of time, dashboards were the subject of considerable hype, so let me try to provide an informal definition for their use in this article 在企业开发界,一段时期内,指示板曾经是人们大肆宣扬的一个主题,所以让我先来给出指示板的一个非正式的定义,不过只限在本文中使用
In wrapping-up factors period, using methods of factor forces and strategic definition to analyze factor forces with formation of corporate strategic definition. 在因素整理阶段,运用因素力度及战略判断法进行因素力度分析并形成企业战略判断;
In that period the business process must be capable of accepting requests and handling events and progress a step further in the business process definition. 在此周期,业务流程必须有能力接受请求,处理事件和让业务流程定义的步骤进一步前行。
Mr Hans Martins, chairman of European main think tank Europe policy researching center said, EU economy has been entering recession period conforming to the standard definition. 欧盟主要智囊机构欧洲政策研究中心主任汉斯·马腾斯说,欧盟经济正在进入符合标准定义的衰退期。
In Cold War period, the definition of Europe is influenced by political ideology and political economic system; 冷战时期,欧洲界定受政治意识形态和政治经济制度左右;
Re-study the Definition of Nation by Stalin& the Second Part of Reading Notes: The Construction of the Nation-State System in the Soviet Union period and the Re-elucidation of the Definition of Nation by Stalin 重读斯大林民族(нация)定义&读书笔记之二:苏联民族国家体系的构建与斯大林对民族定义的再阐发
Analysis of Dynamic Payback Period for Investment The definition of dynamic solution of payback period for investment is discussed in this paper. 关于动态投资回收年限问题的探索在讨论投资回收年限定义的基础上,分析了动态解的三个特性;
Piaohao even managed the government funds over a long period of time, so the definition of the capital quality was closely related with it. 票号曾长期经营官款,有关其资本属性的界定与此密切相关。
It also pointed out the main factors of affecting the optimal reproductive period definition of logging trucks: the truck model, productive conditions, management level, annual transport turnover amount, etc. 并指出了影响运材汽车最佳更新期确定的主要因素:汽车型号、生产条件、管理水平、年运输周转量等。
This objective composes of cost flow analysis, cost objective recognition, costing period identification, costing method definition and cost report compiling. 环境成本核算的内容包括分析环境成本流程、确定环境成本计算对象、确定环境成本计算期、确定环境成本核算方法和编制环境成本报告;
Certain decision approaches consist net present value approach, internal rate of return approach and payback period approach. The definition of dynamic solution of payback period for investment is discussed in this paper. 我们将传统的项目价值评估方法分为确定性决策方法和不确定性决策方法两类进行介绍。在讨论投资回收年限定义的基础上,分析了动态解的三个特性;
When writing The third quarter is the definition of the quarter, with the main defines the relevant concepts, due to the particularity of the study period for convenience, the definition of the style is very helpful. 第三节是概念的界定,该节主要界定了与本文有关的几个概念,由于研究时期的特殊性,概念的界定对于方便行文很有帮助。
First of all, we interpret what is the financing cash flow, which is net cash-flow amount of a financing tool in an accounting period based on cash basis, and then raise a definition method of endogenous financing cash-flow and prove it. 首先,诠释了融资现金流,融资现金流是以收付实现制为依据,某个融资工具在一个会计期间形成的现金净流量;提出了内源融资现金流计算公式,并证明。
The author studied the related documents before the Tang Dynasty, especially pre-Qin period, then summarized the specific definition and development and evolution process. Chapter III, chapter IV, chapter V are the concern of this paper. 第二部分是巡狩的概说。在这里,笔者通过对唐以前尤其是先秦时期相关文献的研究,归纳出巡狩的具体定义及其发展、演变的过程。三、四、五部分是全文的重点。
This paper studies the tubo alliance will also are made from the relevant data, this paper mainly studies the tubo period of African origin and definition will system, and the function will au development trend and the detailed discussion and study. 本文所研究的吐蕃盟会制相关资料也均出于此,故本文主要研究了吐蕃时期盟会制度的起源和定义,以及盟会制的功能和发展趋势等方面做了较为详细的探讨和研究。
The transition period fixed-assets investment definition. Chapter ⅳ, The problem and cause analysis. 第四章转场期固定资产投资中存在的问题及原因分析。
So in the period of economy hotel expanding rapidly, weather it is fit for developing economy hotel in Huangshan and how to develop it will be an important research topic. First, this paper discusses and analyses the definition of economy hotel. 在现今经济型酒店迅速扩张的时期,黄山市是否适合发展经济型酒店,黄山市应该如何发展经济型酒店成为黄山市酒店业发展的一项重要课题。
In some situation, the work process is uncertain during the period of process definition. 一些情况下,在进行流定义时,工作流程不能完全确定。
China is in the key period of economic and social transformation at the moment, but the fifth and sixth census results and the United Nations on the aging of the population definition and standard show that China has entered the aging society. 当前中国正处于经济社会转型的关键时期,但是第五次、第六次人口普查的结果以及联合国对人口老龄化的定义与标准都表明现阶段我国已经进入了老龄社会。
In that period of history, radical artistic concepts and materialism have made visual arts into a dilemma, led it into a meaningless definition, denying expressions as functional, denying uniqueness and truth. 这个时期,激进的艺术观念和物质泛滥使艺术走进了困境,从而导致了艺术否定了明确意义,否定语言指称功能,否定独创性,否定真理,最终走向消解艺术自身。